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Course Detail

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
ART CRITISISMMGS3274150Spring Semester3+035
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeElective
Course CoordinatorAssoc.Prof. Ebru Gamze IŞIKSAÇAN
Name of Lecturer(s)Assist.Prof. Asena TEMELLİ COŞGUN
AimThe aim of this course is; The aim of this course is to provide the students with a critical vision by providing critical awareness in the context of theoretical framework and in the context of the historical development of art, to create more advanced visual culture accumulation, to gain appreciation in the context of the multiculturalism of art. Following the observations of the art perception and practices ranging from the 20th and 21st centuries, the student will be able to evaluate the artwork and follow the instructions in an article logic and collect the comments on certain issues in the text at the end of the term.
Course ContentThis course contains; Introduction to Contemporary Art,Art, artwork, introduction to art criticism,Criticism in Art for Walter Benjamin,Types of methods and criticism in art criticism,Reflective, Formalism and Expression theories,Stages of Art Criticism: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment,Steps of Art Criticism: Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment,How to look at a work of art?,Analysis of art according to principles and elements,Aesthetic theories of art work,Examples of art criticism,Criticism in art in modernity and mass society,Ontological and semiotic artwork analysis,Ontological and Semiotic analysis of works of art.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Demonstrates strong writing skills and analytical ability.10, 14, 16A, D, E
Evaluates works of art with an intellectual knowledge.10, 14, 16A, D, E
Understands that art is multicultural.16, 6A, D, E, H
It creates critical awareness in the light of theoretical knowledge.10, 16A, D, E, F, G
It describes the differences in styles that vary between periods.16, 6A, D, E, H
Demonstrates critical understanding and evaluation skills.16, 9D, F, G, H
Demonstrates an understanding of modern and contemporary art criticism in a historical, social and theoretical context. ​16, 6A, D, E, H
Understands various aspects of art production.16, 6A, D, E, H
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 14: Self Study Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 6: Experiential Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam, E: Homework, F: Project Task, G: Quiz, H: Performance Task

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Introduction to Contemporary ArtMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015,
2Art, artwork, introduction to art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
3Criticism in Art for Walter BenjaminMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
4Types of methods and criticism in art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
5Reflective, Formalism and Expression theoriesMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
6Stages of Art Criticism: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation, JudgmentMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
7Steps of Art Criticism: Description, Analysis, Interpretation, JudgmentMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
8How to look at a work of art?Mukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
9Analysis of art according to principles and elementsMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
10Aesthetic theories of art workMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
11Examples of art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
12Criticism in art in modernity and mass societyMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
13Ontological and semiotic artwork analysisMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
14Ontological and Semiotic analysis of works of artMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
1. Mukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015, 2. Ayla Ersoy, 'Sanat Eleştirisi', Artes yayınları, 2010, 3. Eleştirmek-Günceli Anlamak', Hayalperest Yayınevi, 2014,, 4. Özkan Eroğlu, 'Sanat Eleştirisi Nedir?', Tekhne Yayınları, 5. Tayfun Akkaya, 'Akademik ve Disiplinlerarası Yeni Sanat Eleştirisi Kuramı', Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 2014, 6. Jon Thompson, 'Modern Resim Nasıl Okunur-Modern Ustaları Anlamak, Hayalperest yayınevi, 2014, 7. Jonathan Harris, 'Yeni Sanat Tarihi', Sel yayıncılık, 2013, 8. Liz Rideal, 'Resimler Nasıl Okunur?', Yem Yayın, 2016, 9. Özken Eroğlu, 'Bir Resme Nasıl Bakmalıyız?', Tekhne Yayınları, 2013, 10. Lionello Venturi, 'Resme Nasıl Bakılır?- Giotto'dan Chagall'a Resim ve Ressamlar', Hayalperest Yayınevi, 2018, 11. Zerrin İren Boynudelik, Emine Önel Kurt, 'Bu resin Ne Anlatıyor? Günlük Hayat', İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2018, 12. Leyla Varlık Şentürk, 'Analitik Resim Çözümlemeleri', Ayrıntı Yayınları-Sanat ve Kuram, 2012, 13.Adnan Turani, 'Sanat Terimleri Sözlüğü', Remzi Kitabevi, 2006, 14. John Berger, 'Görme Biçimleri', Metis Yayınları, 2014, 15. Ahu Antmen, 'Sanatçılardan Yazılar ve Açıklamalarla 20. Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar', Sel Yayıncılık, 2014, 16. Özkan Eroğlu, 'Resmi Anlamak', Tekhne Yayınları, 2016, 17. Richard Leppert, 'Sanatta Anlamın Görüntüsü- İmgelerin Toplumsal İşlevi', Ayrıntı yayınları, 2017,18. Gılles Deleuze, 'Kant'ın Eleştirel Felsefesi', Payel Yayınları, 1995
''Sanatın Öyküsü'' E.H Gombrich,Remzi Kitapevi, Harrison, and Paul Wood. "Sanat ve Kuram." İstanbul: Küre 2011 , 'Sanata ve Sanat Kavramlarına Giriş', Ahmet Şişmani Yaz Yayınları, 'Felsefenin Işığında Modern Resim-Modern Resimden Avangard Resme'İsmail Tunalı, Remzi Kitapevi,'Modern Sanat' Özken Eroğlu, Tekhne Yayınları, 'Modern Sanatın Öyküsü', Norbert Lynton, Remzi Kitapevi, 'Modernizmin Serüveni', Anonim, Yapı Kredi yayınları, Modern Resim'Barrett, Terry. ‘’Sanatı Eleştirmek-Günceli Anlamak’’ İstanbul: Hayalperest 2014, Yetişken Hülya.’’Estetiğin ABC’si’’ İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2009,Nazan İpşiroğlu-Mazhar İpşiroğlu, 'Sanatta Devrim',Remzi Kitabevi, 'Çağdaş Sanat Felsefesi' Adnan Turani, Remzi Kitabevi, 'Post Modern Estetik Anlayışlar' , Okan Baldil, Papatya Bilim Üniversite Yayıncılığı.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
Knows the basic concepts of Media and Visual Arts disciplines.
Knows the basic theories of media and visual arts disciplines.
Knows the necessary computer programs and multi-media techniques in Media and Visual Arts.
Knows the aesthetic rules necessary in Media and Visual Arts.
Acts in a way that adheres to national and international ethical codes in professional and scientific studies.
Understands the symbol systems of cultures.
Analyzes the facts related to Media and Visual Arts in their dimensions.
Plans the visual design process in line with the needs of institutions/individuals.
Carries out the visual communication process in line with the needs of institutions/individuals.
Uses the tools, methods and techniques required for Media and Visual Arts practices.
Has the ability to produce, process and evaluate real, 2D and 3D images.
Applies visual design techniques in new media environments.
Has aesthetic awareness and understanding of design.
Performs their profession by taking into consideration the "Occupational Health and Safety" rules.
Solve problems that arise by taking responsibility in projects related to Media and Visual Arts.
Can transform theoretical and factual problems of Media and Visual Arts disciplines and sub-disciplines into publications using scientific methods.
Regularly follows the developments in the field of Media and Visual Arts and uses them effectively in her work.
Uses Turkish fluently and accurately in scientific and professional studies.
Can read and understand at least one foreign language at B1 level.
Plans and takes part in social responsibility projects.
Incorporates artificial intelligence (artificial learning/machine learning) into the creation process.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours14342
Guided Problem Solving000
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report22040
Term Project000
Presentation of Project / Seminar21632
Midterm Exam11616
General Exam12020
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)150
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(150/30)5
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
ART CRITISISMMGS3274150Spring Semester3+035
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeElective
Course CoordinatorAssoc.Prof. Ebru Gamze IŞIKSAÇAN
Name of Lecturer(s)Assist.Prof. Asena TEMELLİ COŞGUN
AimThe aim of this course is; The aim of this course is to provide the students with a critical vision by providing critical awareness in the context of theoretical framework and in the context of the historical development of art, to create more advanced visual culture accumulation, to gain appreciation in the context of the multiculturalism of art. Following the observations of the art perception and practices ranging from the 20th and 21st centuries, the student will be able to evaluate the artwork and follow the instructions in an article logic and collect the comments on certain issues in the text at the end of the term.
Course ContentThis course contains; Introduction to Contemporary Art,Art, artwork, introduction to art criticism,Criticism in Art for Walter Benjamin,Types of methods and criticism in art criticism,Reflective, Formalism and Expression theories,Stages of Art Criticism: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment,Steps of Art Criticism: Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment,How to look at a work of art?,Analysis of art according to principles and elements,Aesthetic theories of art work,Examples of art criticism,Criticism in art in modernity and mass society,Ontological and semiotic artwork analysis,Ontological and Semiotic analysis of works of art.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Demonstrates strong writing skills and analytical ability.10, 14, 16A, D, E
Evaluates works of art with an intellectual knowledge.10, 14, 16A, D, E
Understands that art is multicultural.16, 6A, D, E, H
It creates critical awareness in the light of theoretical knowledge.10, 16A, D, E, F, G
It describes the differences in styles that vary between periods.16, 6A, D, E, H
Demonstrates critical understanding and evaluation skills.16, 9D, F, G, H
Demonstrates an understanding of modern and contemporary art criticism in a historical, social and theoretical context. ​16, 6A, D, E, H
Understands various aspects of art production.16, 6A, D, E, H
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 14: Self Study Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 6: Experiential Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam, E: Homework, F: Project Task, G: Quiz, H: Performance Task

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Introduction to Contemporary ArtMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015,
2Art, artwork, introduction to art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
3Criticism in Art for Walter BenjaminMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
4Types of methods and criticism in art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
5Reflective, Formalism and Expression theoriesMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
6Stages of Art Criticism: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation, JudgmentMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
7Steps of Art Criticism: Description, Analysis, Interpretation, JudgmentMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
8How to look at a work of art?Mukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
9Analysis of art according to principles and elementsMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
10Aesthetic theories of art workMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
11Examples of art criticismMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
12Criticism in art in modernity and mass societyMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
13Ontological and semiotic artwork analysisMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
14Ontological and Semiotic analysis of works of artMukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015
1. Mukadder Çakır, 'Sanatta Eleştirellik', Doğu Kitabevi, 2015, 2. Ayla Ersoy, 'Sanat Eleştirisi', Artes yayınları, 2010, 3. Eleştirmek-Günceli Anlamak', Hayalperest Yayınevi, 2014,, 4. Özkan Eroğlu, 'Sanat Eleştirisi Nedir?', Tekhne Yayınları, 5. Tayfun Akkaya, 'Akademik ve Disiplinlerarası Yeni Sanat Eleştirisi Kuramı', Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 2014, 6. Jon Thompson, 'Modern Resim Nasıl Okunur-Modern Ustaları Anlamak, Hayalperest yayınevi, 2014, 7. Jonathan Harris, 'Yeni Sanat Tarihi', Sel yayıncılık, 2013, 8. Liz Rideal, 'Resimler Nasıl Okunur?', Yem Yayın, 2016, 9. Özken Eroğlu, 'Bir Resme Nasıl Bakmalıyız?', Tekhne Yayınları, 2013, 10. Lionello Venturi, 'Resme Nasıl Bakılır?- Giotto'dan Chagall'a Resim ve Ressamlar', Hayalperest Yayınevi, 2018, 11. Zerrin İren Boynudelik, Emine Önel Kurt, 'Bu resin Ne Anlatıyor? Günlük Hayat', İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2018, 12. Leyla Varlık Şentürk, 'Analitik Resim Çözümlemeleri', Ayrıntı Yayınları-Sanat ve Kuram, 2012, 13.Adnan Turani, 'Sanat Terimleri Sözlüğü', Remzi Kitabevi, 2006, 14. John Berger, 'Görme Biçimleri', Metis Yayınları, 2014, 15. Ahu Antmen, 'Sanatçılardan Yazılar ve Açıklamalarla 20. Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar', Sel Yayıncılık, 2014, 16. Özkan Eroğlu, 'Resmi Anlamak', Tekhne Yayınları, 2016, 17. Richard Leppert, 'Sanatta Anlamın Görüntüsü- İmgelerin Toplumsal İşlevi', Ayrıntı yayınları, 2017,18. Gılles Deleuze, 'Kant'ın Eleştirel Felsefesi', Payel Yayınları, 1995
''Sanatın Öyküsü'' E.H Gombrich,Remzi Kitapevi, Harrison, and Paul Wood. "Sanat ve Kuram." İstanbul: Küre 2011 , 'Sanata ve Sanat Kavramlarına Giriş', Ahmet Şişmani Yaz Yayınları, 'Felsefenin Işığında Modern Resim-Modern Resimden Avangard Resme'İsmail Tunalı, Remzi Kitapevi,'Modern Sanat' Özken Eroğlu, Tekhne Yayınları, 'Modern Sanatın Öyküsü', Norbert Lynton, Remzi Kitapevi, 'Modernizmin Serüveni', Anonim, Yapı Kredi yayınları, Modern Resim'Barrett, Terry. ‘’Sanatı Eleştirmek-Günceli Anlamak’’ İstanbul: Hayalperest 2014, Yetişken Hülya.’’Estetiğin ABC’si’’ İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2009,Nazan İpşiroğlu-Mazhar İpşiroğlu, 'Sanatta Devrim',Remzi Kitabevi, 'Çağdaş Sanat Felsefesi' Adnan Turani, Remzi Kitabevi, 'Post Modern Estetik Anlayışlar' , Okan Baldil, Papatya Bilim Üniversite Yayıncılığı.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
Knows the basic concepts of Media and Visual Arts disciplines.
Knows the basic theories of media and visual arts disciplines.
Knows the necessary computer programs and multi-media techniques in Media and Visual Arts.
Knows the aesthetic rules necessary in Media and Visual Arts.
Acts in a way that adheres to national and international ethical codes in professional and scientific studies.
Understands the symbol systems of cultures.
Analyzes the facts related to Media and Visual Arts in their dimensions.
Plans the visual design process in line with the needs of institutions/individuals.
Carries out the visual communication process in line with the needs of institutions/individuals.
Uses the tools, methods and techniques required for Media and Visual Arts practices.
Has the ability to produce, process and evaluate real, 2D and 3D images.
Applies visual design techniques in new media environments.
Has aesthetic awareness and understanding of design.
Performs their profession by taking into consideration the "Occupational Health and Safety" rules.
Solve problems that arise by taking responsibility in projects related to Media and Visual Arts.
Can transform theoretical and factual problems of Media and Visual Arts disciplines and sub-disciplines into publications using scientific methods.
Regularly follows the developments in the field of Media and Visual Arts and uses them effectively in her work.
Uses Turkish fluently and accurately in scientific and professional studies.
Can read and understand at least one foreign language at B1 level.
Plans and takes part in social responsibility projects.
Incorporates artificial intelligence (artificial learning/machine learning) into the creation process.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Student Success

Ekleme Tarihi: 05/10/2023 - 13:56Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 05/10/2023 - 13:57