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Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypePractice
Course CoordinatorProf.Dr. Bedia GÜLEN
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Oktay ERAY, Assoc.Prof. Suphi BAHADIRLI, Prof.Dr. Bedia GÜLEN, Lect.Dr. Serdar YAŞAR, Assist.Prof. Rıza GÜCAL
AimThe aim of this clerkship is; to provide gainining knowledge and skills in acute and emergency prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of undiagnosed, newly developing physical, mental illnesses or injuries.
Course ContentThis course contains; Triage ,Monitorizasyon-Vitaller ,Defibrilatör ,Chest Pain I,II,AKS ,Emergency Airway Management ,Rapid Sequential Intubation,Emergency Airway Management ,Rapid Sequential Intubation ,Elektrokardiyografi- I,II,Advanced Cardiac Life Support,Basic Life Support,Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I,II,Acute Abdominal Syndrome,İV-İO Yol Açma-II,I ,Distritmiler Taşikardi ,Distritmiler-Bradikardi ,Çoklu Travma ,Abdominal Trauma,Multiple Trauma ,Child Trauma ,Pregnant and Elderly Trauma ,Approach to the Dyspnea Patient,Allergy Anaphylaxis ,Consultation,Acute wound ,Basic Advanced Wound Care,Cold Injuries ,Thoracic Trauma,Altered Mental Status,Seizure Patient in the Emergency Department ,Approach to Dizziness,Animal Bites and Stings ,Electric and Lightning Strike ,Head Trauma ,Pelvis EXT Travması,Shock I,II,Disaster Medicine ,Approach to Intox Patient ,Imaging Techniques,Street Medicines ,Forensic Report Editing ,Co İntox ,Treatment -Prescription ,Parasetemol/Nsaid İntox ,Oncological Emergenciesi,Blood Gas ,Aggressive Patient in Emergency ,Acute Pain Method ,Alcohol Intox ,Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia ,Emergency Medicines.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Learning-Teaching Methods in Courses and Applications in internship program In the Emergency Medicine internship program, courses and applications, propedötic studies, service studies, per-patient trainings, consultations and discussions with faculty members and assistants (including assistants) and learning opportunities are provided. The teaching methods applied in the internship are briefly explained below. 10, 16, 6, 9A, D
1. Task Based: Clinical trials are performed and evaluated on the tasks that are guided by these guidelines and their level is determined.3C, D, H, J, M
2. Patient Presentation: These are the sessions where students prepare the patients assigned to them during the ward studies and discuss them with the consultant and group friends.H, J, K, L
3. Clinicopathological Discussions: The differential diagnosis process and patient management on critical cases are discussed with the trainer in an environment where students come with prior preparation.L
4. Skills Training in a Real Clinical Environment: It is aimed to gain mastery of the skill by giving the student the opportunity to try the skills he/she has learned on mannequins, models or simulated patients in training laboratories in previous years on real patient or real material. In the real clinical environment, a special time can be allocated and education can be carried out in the form of students practicing in groups, as well as independent practice with the supervision of the students during independent working hours and arguing with the supervisor after the application. 5, 6H, L, N, R
5. Training in the Skills Laboratory: These are sessions where the student has the opportunity to perform procedures under educational supervision using real clinical material, not on the real patient due to ethical rules, but on the model, model or peer. The process steps of the skill to be learned are presented about the process by first reviewing the learning guide or watching a film about the process. After the instructor shows the process, each student gains skill competence by applying at least once. H, R
6. Applied Training: During the internship period, triage, resuscitation, intervention rooms, emergency care and critical care areas are carried out in real clinical environments. In addition, the approach to specific patient groups or basic complaint, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles, specific examination and treatment methods, clinical applications, patient interviews and discussions with the educator are the sessions.H
7. Independent Learning in the Clinic: Independent learning hours are reserved in the program so that students can adequately use learning opportunities in the learning environments offered to them (library, computer, skill lab, etc.) or in clinical environments such as triage, resuscitation, intervention rooms, emergency care and critical care areas. The student is expected to use these hours for activities such as theoretical preparation in line with the competencies he/she must reach, filling out patient files, performing physical examinations, anamnesis or monitoring or performing various initiatives.4E
8. Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme: Öğrencilerin aktif katılımıyla kendilerine sunulan vakayı semptomdan tanıya ve tedaviye gidecek şekilde değerlendirilerek çözümlemesi beklenir3, 4, 5J, K, L
9. Case Discussion: The approach to specific patient groups or application reports, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles are discussed with students with one or more case reports. These case discussions are carried out at the beginning of the patient with real patient conditions to the extent possible. If this cannot be met, factual discussions are held. L
10. Narration: These are the courses in which theoretical knowledge is shared and discussed in order to compile the necessary information to reach internship qualifications and to be understood by the students.C, D, M
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 3: Problem Baded Learning Model, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 5: Cooperative Learning, 6: Experiential Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, C: Multiple-Choice Exam, D: Oral Exam, E: Homework, H: Performance Task, J: Peer Assessment Technique, K: Self Assessment Technique, L: Group Assessment Technique, M: Objective Structured Clinical Exam, N: Clinical Oriented Reasoning Examination, R: Simulation-Based Evaluation

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
4Chest Pain I,II
6Emergency Airway Management
7Rapid Sequential Intubation
8Emergency Airway Management
9Rapid Sequential Intubation
10Elektrokardiyografi- I,II
12Advanced Cardiac Life Support
13Basic Life Support
15Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I,II
16Acute Abdominal Syndrome
17İV-İO Yol Açma-II,I
18Distritmiler Taşikardi
20Çoklu Travma
21Abdominal Trauma
22Multiple Trauma
23Child Trauma
24Pregnant and Elderly Trauma
27Approach to the Dyspnea Patient
28Allergy Anaphylaxis
30Acute wound
31Basic Advanced Wound Care
33Cold Injuries
34Thoracic Trauma
35Altered Mental Status
36Seizure Patient in the Emergency Department
37Approach to Dizziness
38Animal Bites and Stings
39Electric and Lightning Strike
40Head Trauma
41Pelvis EXT Travması
42Shock I,II
43Disaster Medicine
44Approach to Intox Patient
45Imaging Techniques
46Street Medicines
47Forensic Report Editing
47Co İntox
48Treatment -Prescription
49Parasetemol/Nsaid İntox
50Oncological Emergenciesi
51Blood Gas
52Aggressive Patient in Emergency
53Acute Pain Method
54Alcohol Intox
55Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
56Emergency Medicines
1. Öğretim üyeleri ders notları 2. 3. UptoDate 4. FOAMED (Free Open Access Meducation – Medical educatio), erişim 5. 6. Acil Tıp Dergileri (Annals of Emergency Medicine, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, Turkish Journal of Emergency Mecicine, Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi) 7. ACEP Policies 8. EMRA-Emergency Medicine Residents’ (and Students’) Association. Erişim 9. 10. 11. Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski J, Ma O, Yealy DM, Meckler GD, Cline DM. eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide 9th edition. 12. David M. CLINE, O. John MA, Rita K. CYDULKA, Garth D. MECKLER, Daniel A. HANDEL, Stephen H. THOMAS, Tintinalli Acil Tıp El Kitabı Çeviri Editör: M.Mahir ÖZMEN.Güneş Kitabevi, ISBN: 9789752774551 13. Rosen's emergency medicine : concepts and clinical practice / [edited by] Ron M. Walls, Robert S. Hockberger, Marianne Gausche-Hill. Ninth edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2018] 14. Eric F. Reichman, ed. Emergency Medicine Procedures. 15. James R.Roberts. Roberts and Hedges’ Clicinal Procedures in Emergency Medicine. 16. Robert S.Hoffman, Mary Ann Howland, Neal A.Lewin, Lewis S. Nelson, Lewis R. Goldfrank ed. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours345135
Guided Problem Solving000
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report000
Term Project000
Presentation of Project / Seminar000
Midterm Exam000
General Exam000
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)135
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(135/30)5
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypePractice
Course CoordinatorProf.Dr. Bedia GÜLEN
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Oktay ERAY, Assoc.Prof. Suphi BAHADIRLI, Prof.Dr. Bedia GÜLEN, Lect.Dr. Serdar YAŞAR, Assist.Prof. Rıza GÜCAL
AimThe aim of this clerkship is; to provide gainining knowledge and skills in acute and emergency prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of undiagnosed, newly developing physical, mental illnesses or injuries.
Course ContentThis course contains; Triage ,Monitorizasyon-Vitaller ,Defibrilatör ,Chest Pain I,II,AKS ,Emergency Airway Management ,Rapid Sequential Intubation,Emergency Airway Management ,Rapid Sequential Intubation ,Elektrokardiyografi- I,II,Advanced Cardiac Life Support,Basic Life Support,Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I,II,Acute Abdominal Syndrome,İV-İO Yol Açma-II,I ,Distritmiler Taşikardi ,Distritmiler-Bradikardi ,Çoklu Travma ,Abdominal Trauma,Multiple Trauma ,Child Trauma ,Pregnant and Elderly Trauma ,Approach to the Dyspnea Patient,Allergy Anaphylaxis ,Consultation,Acute wound ,Basic Advanced Wound Care,Cold Injuries ,Thoracic Trauma,Altered Mental Status,Seizure Patient in the Emergency Department ,Approach to Dizziness,Animal Bites and Stings ,Electric and Lightning Strike ,Head Trauma ,Pelvis EXT Travması,Shock I,II,Disaster Medicine ,Approach to Intox Patient ,Imaging Techniques,Street Medicines ,Forensic Report Editing ,Co İntox ,Treatment -Prescription ,Parasetemol/Nsaid İntox ,Oncological Emergenciesi,Blood Gas ,Aggressive Patient in Emergency ,Acute Pain Method ,Alcohol Intox ,Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia ,Emergency Medicines.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Learning-Teaching Methods in Courses and Applications in internship program In the Emergency Medicine internship program, courses and applications, propedötic studies, service studies, per-patient trainings, consultations and discussions with faculty members and assistants (including assistants) and learning opportunities are provided. The teaching methods applied in the internship are briefly explained below. 10, 16, 6, 9A, D
1. Task Based: Clinical trials are performed and evaluated on the tasks that are guided by these guidelines and their level is determined.3C, D, H, J, M
2. Patient Presentation: These are the sessions where students prepare the patients assigned to them during the ward studies and discuss them with the consultant and group friends.H, J, K, L
3. Clinicopathological Discussions: The differential diagnosis process and patient management on critical cases are discussed with the trainer in an environment where students come with prior preparation.L
4. Skills Training in a Real Clinical Environment: It is aimed to gain mastery of the skill by giving the student the opportunity to try the skills he/she has learned on mannequins, models or simulated patients in training laboratories in previous years on real patient or real material. In the real clinical environment, a special time can be allocated and education can be carried out in the form of students practicing in groups, as well as independent practice with the supervision of the students during independent working hours and arguing with the supervisor after the application. 5, 6H, L, N, R
5. Training in the Skills Laboratory: These are sessions where the student has the opportunity to perform procedures under educational supervision using real clinical material, not on the real patient due to ethical rules, but on the model, model or peer. The process steps of the skill to be learned are presented about the process by first reviewing the learning guide or watching a film about the process. After the instructor shows the process, each student gains skill competence by applying at least once. H, R
6. Applied Training: During the internship period, triage, resuscitation, intervention rooms, emergency care and critical care areas are carried out in real clinical environments. In addition, the approach to specific patient groups or basic complaint, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles, specific examination and treatment methods, clinical applications, patient interviews and discussions with the educator are the sessions.H
7. Independent Learning in the Clinic: Independent learning hours are reserved in the program so that students can adequately use learning opportunities in the learning environments offered to them (library, computer, skill lab, etc.) or in clinical environments such as triage, resuscitation, intervention rooms, emergency care and critical care areas. The student is expected to use these hours for activities such as theoretical preparation in line with the competencies he/she must reach, filling out patient files, performing physical examinations, anamnesis or monitoring or performing various initiatives.4E
8. Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme: Öğrencilerin aktif katılımıyla kendilerine sunulan vakayı semptomdan tanıya ve tedaviye gidecek şekilde değerlendirilerek çözümlemesi beklenir3, 4, 5J, K, L
9. Case Discussion: The approach to specific patient groups or application reports, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles are discussed with students with one or more case reports. These case discussions are carried out at the beginning of the patient with real patient conditions to the extent possible. If this cannot be met, factual discussions are held. L
10. Narration: These are the courses in which theoretical knowledge is shared and discussed in order to compile the necessary information to reach internship qualifications and to be understood by the students.C, D, M
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 3: Problem Baded Learning Model, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 5: Cooperative Learning, 6: Experiential Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, C: Multiple-Choice Exam, D: Oral Exam, E: Homework, H: Performance Task, J: Peer Assessment Technique, K: Self Assessment Technique, L: Group Assessment Technique, M: Objective Structured Clinical Exam, N: Clinical Oriented Reasoning Examination, R: Simulation-Based Evaluation

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
4Chest Pain I,II
6Emergency Airway Management
7Rapid Sequential Intubation
8Emergency Airway Management
9Rapid Sequential Intubation
10Elektrokardiyografi- I,II
12Advanced Cardiac Life Support
13Basic Life Support
15Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation I,II
16Acute Abdominal Syndrome
17İV-İO Yol Açma-II,I
18Distritmiler Taşikardi
20Çoklu Travma
21Abdominal Trauma
22Multiple Trauma
23Child Trauma
24Pregnant and Elderly Trauma
27Approach to the Dyspnea Patient
28Allergy Anaphylaxis
30Acute wound
31Basic Advanced Wound Care
33Cold Injuries
34Thoracic Trauma
35Altered Mental Status
36Seizure Patient in the Emergency Department
37Approach to Dizziness
38Animal Bites and Stings
39Electric and Lightning Strike
40Head Trauma
41Pelvis EXT Travması
42Shock I,II
43Disaster Medicine
44Approach to Intox Patient
45Imaging Techniques
46Street Medicines
47Forensic Report Editing
47Co İntox
48Treatment -Prescription
49Parasetemol/Nsaid İntox
50Oncological Emergenciesi
51Blood Gas
52Aggressive Patient in Emergency
53Acute Pain Method
54Alcohol Intox
55Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
56Emergency Medicines
1. Öğretim üyeleri ders notları 2. 3. UptoDate 4. FOAMED (Free Open Access Meducation – Medical educatio), erişim 5. 6. Acil Tıp Dergileri (Annals of Emergency Medicine, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, Turkish Journal of Emergency Mecicine, Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi) 7. ACEP Policies 8. EMRA-Emergency Medicine Residents’ (and Students’) Association. Erişim 9. 10. 11. Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski J, Ma O, Yealy DM, Meckler GD, Cline DM. eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide 9th edition. 12. David M. CLINE, O. John MA, Rita K. CYDULKA, Garth D. MECKLER, Daniel A. HANDEL, Stephen H. THOMAS, Tintinalli Acil Tıp El Kitabı Çeviri Editör: M.Mahir ÖZMEN.Güneş Kitabevi, ISBN: 9789752774551 13. Rosen's emergency medicine : concepts and clinical practice / [edited by] Ron M. Walls, Robert S. Hockberger, Marianne Gausche-Hill. Ninth edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2018] 14. Eric F. Reichman, ed. Emergency Medicine Procedures. 15. James R.Roberts. Roberts and Hedges’ Clicinal Procedures in Emergency Medicine. 16. Robert S.Hoffman, Mary Ann Howland, Neal A.Lewin, Lewis S. Nelson, Lewis R. Goldfrank ed. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Ekleme Tarihi: 30/11/2022 - 13:37Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 14/04/2023 - 09:05