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Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
INTERNAL MEDICINEISM4214655Spring Semester106+88-15
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypePractice
Course CoordinatorProf.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Sergülen DERVİŞOĞLU, Assist.Prof. Hülya BİLGEN, Assoc.Prof. Özge ARICI DÜZ, Prof.Dr. Meryem CAN, Prof.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK, Prof.Dr. Mehmet BAYRAM, Assoc.Prof. Esra DEMİR, Prof.Dr. Özcan YILDIZ, Prof.Dr. Vedat GÖRAL
Assistant(s)Prof.Dr. Sergülen DERVİŞOĞLU, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Hülya BİLGEN, Doç.Dr. Özge ARICI DÜZ, Prof.Dr. Meryem CAN, Prof.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK, Prof.Dr. Özgür Ulaş ÖZCAN, Prof.Dr. Mehmet BAYRAM, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Esra DEMİR, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Naim MAHROUM, Prof.Dr. Özcan YILDIZ, Prof.Dr. Vedat GÖRAL
AimThe aim of this clerkship is; according to the levels of learning specified in the National Core Education Program, to provide getting history taking of internal diseases from the adult patient, performing a complete physical examination, gaining the skills to communicate well with the patient and their relatives, and to provide understanding the information about referring the patients to a higher level health institution when necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrinological, hematological, immunological, metabolic, gastroenterological, rheumatological, infectious and neoplastic diseases that are common in the community and frequently seen in primary health care.
Course ContentThis course contains; Respiratory system examination 1-2-3,Head And Neck Examınatıon 1-2,Urogenital system examination,History taking and physical examination,Abdominal examination 1-2,Nervous system examination,How to fill out a patient chart,Cardiovascular system examination 1-2,Extremity examination,Chronic kidney failure,Dysphagıa,Gastroesophageal Reflux Dısease And Other Esophageal Dısorders -Clınıcal Approach 1-2,Peptic ulcer,Hypo- and hyperparathyroidism,Disorders of the hypophysis,Dyspepsia and abdominal pain. Differential diagnosis,Laboratory tests for rheumatological diseases,Thyroiditis and cancer of the thyroid
,Obesıty,Metabolıc Syndrome
,Diabetes mellitus,Rheumatoid arthritis 1-2,Hematology, hemogram, hemostasis,Treatment and complications of acute pancreatitis,Polycystic ovarian syndrome,Adrenal insufficiency,Acid-/base balance 1-2,Hypertension, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical approach,Cushin syndrome,Hypoglycemia,Treatment of diabetes mellitus,Behcet disease,Fluid-/and electrolyte disturbances,Tetani and hypoparathyroidism,Hematological emergencies,Bone marrow insufficiency (aplastic anemia, MDS, PNH),Plasma cell disorders,Vitamin D insufficiency,Cancer screening and tumor markers,Treatment of acute complications in diabetes mellitus

,Treatment of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus,Onchological emergencies,Myeloproliferative disorders,Follow up and treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis,Pheochromocytoma,Glomerular disorders,Diagnosis and treatment of the patient with non-alcoholic fatty liver
,Secondary hypertension ,Vasculitis,Leukemias 1-2,Approach to the patient with potassium disturbances,Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases
,Spondyloarthropathies 1-2,Approach to the patient with gastrointestinal bleeding,Diabetes insipidus,Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion,Sjögren syndrome,Differential diagnosis in liver tumors,Bleeding, coagulation and trombolytic disorders,Anemias 1-2-3-,Lymphomas,Clinical approach to solid organ tumors 1-2,Polycystic kidney disease and hereditary nephropathies,Hematuria, proteinuria and glomerular diseases,Systemıc Lupus Enythematosıs -Antıphospholıpıd Syndrome-1-2,Acute kidney injury,Chronic diarhoea and malabsorption syndromes,Chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome,Transfusion policies and blood and blood products,Familial mediterranian fever,Polymıosıtıs ,Gout-1-2 ,Jaundıce And Lıver Test Abnormatıes,Follow Up And Treatment Of Patıents Wıth Chronıc Vıral Diseases,The Cırrhotıc Patıent ,Follow Up And Complıcatıons ,Clınıcal Approach To The Patıent Wıth Gatroıntestınal Bleedıng,Non-Alcoholıc Fatty Lıver Dıseases,NAFLD,Approach To Dıagnosıs And Treatment Of The Patıent Wıth,Approach To The Rheumatologıcal Patıent,Siögren Syndrome,Inflammatory Bowel Dıseases -Dıagnosıs And Treatment ,Chronıc Consıtpatıon And Irrıtable Bowel Dısease Clınıcal Approach ,Clınıcal Approach To Solıd Organ Tumors 1-2,Introduction to internal medicine,Delıverıng Bad News,Practice-Hematology Lab (10 hours),Practice-Laboratory Tests For Rheumatologıcal Disorders (10 hours),Practice-Practice on hospitalized patient (26 Hours).
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Learning objectives in hematology: - Diagnose, treat and follow up on primary level: iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: lymphadenopathy, hypersplenism, acute- and chronic leukemias, plasma cell disorders, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, DIC, ITP, Polycytemia -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up on primary level: hemoglobinopathies, Thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, anemia in chronic diseases, -Tentatively diagnose and refer: myeloprolipherative disorders, Hodgkin lymphoma, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, Hemophilia, Von Willerbrand Disorder16, 3, 4, 9A, D
Learning objectives in medical oncology: -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: infections in the immunocompromised, shock. -Tentatively diagnose and refer: ENT-malignancies, ENT benign tumors, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, tumor in the female genital tract, malignancies of the GI tract, malignancies of the pancreas, liver tumors, palpable- and non-palpable abdominal tumor. kidney tumor, tumor in the lower urinary tract (vesica, urethra), testicular cancer, cancer of the prostate, lung cancer, mediastinal mass, upper respiratory tract tumors, neuropathies, paraneoplastic syndrome, bone methastasis, brain metastasis, breast mass, skin tumors, compression on the spinal cord. 10, 9A, D
Learning objectives in rheumatology: - Diagnose, treat and follow up on primary level: FMF -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: Acute rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, inflammatory myositis, infectious arthritis, gout -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up in primary level: Rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathies, Sjögren syndrome.4
Learning objectives in nephrology: -Diagnose, treat and follow up in primary level: Primary hypertension, Acute pyelonephritis, -Diagnose, manage acute, refer and follow up on primary level: Diabetic nephropathy, acute glomerulonephritis -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: nephrotic syndrome, acute kidney injury, chronic renal failure, hyper- and hypocalcemia, hyper- and hypopotassemia, hyper- and hyponatremia, secondary hypertension, chronic pyelonephritis, amyloidosis -Diagnose and refer: polycystic kidney disease, -Tentatively diagnose and refer: glomerular diseases, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, small vessel vasculitis, plasma cell dyscrasia, acid base disturbances, drug induced tubulointerstitial nephritis10, 4, 9A, D
Learning objectives of endocrinological disorders are as follows: -Diagnose, treat, and follow up on primary level: Diabetes mellitus, obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, hyperlipidemia Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: Acute complications of diabetes, chronic complications of diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, hypoglycemia. - Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up on primary level: Goiter, Hashimotos disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodule, osteoporosis -Tentatively diagnose and refer: primary hyperaldesteronism, hirsuitizm, prolactinoma, hypophiseal disorders, hypogonadism, Cushing syndrome, gynecomastia, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromacytoma4A, D
Learning objectives of gastroenterology are as follows: -Diagnose, treat and follow up in primary level: gastrointestinal infections, gastritis, food poisoning, bacillary dysentery, food allergies, -Diagnose, manage acute, refer and follow up in primary level: fatty liver -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: liver cirrhosis, malnutrition, ileus, acute abdomen, acute pancreatitis, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, anorectal diseases, diverticulitis, volvulus, cholengitis, peptic ulcer, acute viral hepatitis, GERD, esophagitis, esophageal variceal bleeding, drug intoxications, hepatic coma, alcoholic liver disease, mushroom poisoning -Diagnose and refer: Anal atresia, corrosive damage to the upper GI tract, foreighn body in the GI tract. -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up in primary level: ulcerative colitis, Chrons disease, chronic pancreatitis, cholodocholitiasis, celiac disease, chronic hepatitis, Mesotlioma, portal hypertension, Budd-Chiari syndrome, Metabolic liver diseases, Autoimmune liver diseases, pancreatic pseudocysts, GI malignancies, Mesenterial artery diseases, anal prolaps, GI polyps, Lactose intolerance, FMF, Parisitic infections of the GI tract, cystic fibrosis, esophageal motility disorders10, 4, 9A, D
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 3: Problem Baded Learning Model, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Respiratory system examination 1-2-3none
2Head And Neck Examınatıon 1-2none
3Urogenital system examinationnone
4History taking and physical examinationnone
5Abdominal examination 1-2none
6Nervous system examinationnone
7How to fill out a patient chartnone
8Cardiovascular system examination 1-2none
9Extremity examinationnone
10Chronic kidney failurenone
11Dysphagıa,Gastroesophageal Reflux Dısease And Other Esophageal Dısorders -Clınıcal Approach 1-2none
12Peptic ulcernone
13Hypo- and hyperparathyroidismnone
14Disorders of the hypophysisnone
15Dyspepsia and abdominal pain. Differential diagnosisnone
16Laboratory tests for rheumatological diseasesnone
17Thyroiditis and cancer of the thyroid
18Obesıty,Metabolıc Syndrome
19Diabetes mellitusnone
20Rheumatoid arthritis 1-2none
22Hematology, hemogram, hemostasisnone
23Treatment and complications of acute pancreatitisnone
24Polycystic ovarian syndromenone
25Adrenal insufficiencynone
26Acid-/base balance 1-2none
27Hypertension, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical approachnone
28Cushin syndromenone
30Treatment of diabetes mellitusnone
31Behcet diseasenone
32Fluid-/and electrolyte disturbancesnone
33Tetani and hypoparathyroidismnone
34Hematological emergenciesnone
35Bone marrow insufficiency (aplastic anemia, MDS, PNH)none
36Plasma cell disordersnone
37Vitamin D insufficiencynone
38Cancer screening and tumor markersnone
39Treatment of acute complications in diabetes mellitus

40Treatment of chronic complications of diabetes mellitusnone
41Onchological emergenciesnone
42Myeloproliferative disordersnone
43Follow up and treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitisnone
45Glomerular disordersnone
46Diagnosis and treatment of the patient with non-alcoholic fatty liver
47Secondary hypertension none
49Leukemias 1-2none
50Approach to the patient with potassium disturbancesnone
51Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases
52Spondyloarthropathies 1-2none
53Approach to the patient with gastrointestinal bleedingnone
54Diabetes insipidusnone
55Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretionnone
56Sjögren syndromenone
57Differential diagnosis in liver tumorsnone
58Bleeding, coagulation and trombolytic disordersnone
59Anemias 1-2-3-none
61Clinical approach to solid organ tumors 1-2none
62Polycystic kidney disease and hereditary nephropathiesnone
63Hematuria, proteinuria and glomerular diseasesnone
64Systemıc Lupus Enythematosıs -Antıphospholıpıd Syndrome-1-2none
65Acute kidney injurynone
66Chronic diarhoea and malabsorption syndromesnone
67Chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndromenone
68Transfusion policies and blood and blood productsnone
69Familial mediterranian fevernone
70Polymıosıtıs none
71Gout-1-2 none
72Jaundıce And Lıver Test Abnormatıesnone
73Follow Up And Treatment Of Patıents Wıth Chronıc Vıral Diseasesnone
74The Cırrhotıc Patıent ,Follow Up And Complıcatıons none
75Clınıcal Approach To The Patıent Wıth Gatroıntestınal Bleedıngnone
76Non-Alcoholıc Fatty Lıver Dıseasesnone
77NAFLD,Approach To Dıagnosıs And Treatment Of The Patıent Wıthnone
78Approach To The Rheumatologıcal Patıentnone
79Siögren Syndromenone
80Inflammatory Bowel Dıseases -Dıagnosıs And Treatment none
81Chronıc Consıtpatıon And Irrıtable Bowel Dısease Clınıcal Approach none
82Clınıcal Approach To Solıd Organ Tumors 1-2none
83Introduction to internal medicinenone
84Delıverıng Bad Newsnone
85Practice-Hematology Lab (10 hours)none
86Practice-Laboratory Tests For Rheumatologıcal Disorders (10 hours)none
87Practice-Practice on hospitalized patient (26 Hours)none
Harrisons Internal Medicine, lecture notes (power point slides)

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours1102220
Guided Problem Solving144
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report10440
Term Project403120
Presentation of Project / Seminar000
Midterm Exam000
General Exam23060
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)450
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(450/30)15
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
INTERNAL MEDICINEISM4214655Spring Semester106+88-15
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypePractice
Course CoordinatorProf.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Sergülen DERVİŞOĞLU, Assist.Prof. Hülya BİLGEN, Assoc.Prof. Özge ARICI DÜZ, Prof.Dr. Meryem CAN, Prof.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK, Prof.Dr. Mehmet BAYRAM, Assoc.Prof. Esra DEMİR, Prof.Dr. Özcan YILDIZ, Prof.Dr. Vedat GÖRAL
Assistant(s)Prof.Dr. Sergülen DERVİŞOĞLU, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Hülya BİLGEN, Doç.Dr. Özge ARICI DÜZ, Prof.Dr. Meryem CAN, Prof.Dr. Ömür Gökmen SEVİNDİK, Prof.Dr. Özgür Ulaş ÖZCAN, Prof.Dr. Mehmet BAYRAM, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Esra DEMİR, Dr.Öğr.Üye. Naim MAHROUM, Prof.Dr. Özcan YILDIZ, Prof.Dr. Vedat GÖRAL
AimThe aim of this clerkship is; according to the levels of learning specified in the National Core Education Program, to provide getting history taking of internal diseases from the adult patient, performing a complete physical examination, gaining the skills to communicate well with the patient and their relatives, and to provide understanding the information about referring the patients to a higher level health institution when necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrinological, hematological, immunological, metabolic, gastroenterological, rheumatological, infectious and neoplastic diseases that are common in the community and frequently seen in primary health care.
Course ContentThis course contains; Respiratory system examination 1-2-3,Head And Neck Examınatıon 1-2,Urogenital system examination,History taking and physical examination,Abdominal examination 1-2,Nervous system examination,How to fill out a patient chart,Cardiovascular system examination 1-2,Extremity examination,Chronic kidney failure,Dysphagıa,Gastroesophageal Reflux Dısease And Other Esophageal Dısorders -Clınıcal Approach 1-2,Peptic ulcer,Hypo- and hyperparathyroidism,Disorders of the hypophysis,Dyspepsia and abdominal pain. Differential diagnosis,Laboratory tests for rheumatological diseases,Thyroiditis and cancer of the thyroid
,Obesıty,Metabolıc Syndrome
,Diabetes mellitus,Rheumatoid arthritis 1-2,Hematology, hemogram, hemostasis,Treatment and complications of acute pancreatitis,Polycystic ovarian syndrome,Adrenal insufficiency,Acid-/base balance 1-2,Hypertension, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical approach,Cushin syndrome,Hypoglycemia,Treatment of diabetes mellitus,Behcet disease,Fluid-/and electrolyte disturbances,Tetani and hypoparathyroidism,Hematological emergencies,Bone marrow insufficiency (aplastic anemia, MDS, PNH),Plasma cell disorders,Vitamin D insufficiency,Cancer screening and tumor markers,Treatment of acute complications in diabetes mellitus

,Treatment of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus,Onchological emergencies,Myeloproliferative disorders,Follow up and treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis,Pheochromocytoma,Glomerular disorders,Diagnosis and treatment of the patient with non-alcoholic fatty liver
,Secondary hypertension ,Vasculitis,Leukemias 1-2,Approach to the patient with potassium disturbances,Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases
,Spondyloarthropathies 1-2,Approach to the patient with gastrointestinal bleeding,Diabetes insipidus,Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion,Sjögren syndrome,Differential diagnosis in liver tumors,Bleeding, coagulation and trombolytic disorders,Anemias 1-2-3-,Lymphomas,Clinical approach to solid organ tumors 1-2,Polycystic kidney disease and hereditary nephropathies,Hematuria, proteinuria and glomerular diseases,Systemıc Lupus Enythematosıs -Antıphospholıpıd Syndrome-1-2,Acute kidney injury,Chronic diarhoea and malabsorption syndromes,Chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome,Transfusion policies and blood and blood products,Familial mediterranian fever,Polymıosıtıs ,Gout-1-2 ,Jaundıce And Lıver Test Abnormatıes,Follow Up And Treatment Of Patıents Wıth Chronıc Vıral Diseases,The Cırrhotıc Patıent ,Follow Up And Complıcatıons ,Clınıcal Approach To The Patıent Wıth Gatroıntestınal Bleedıng,Non-Alcoholıc Fatty Lıver Dıseases,NAFLD,Approach To Dıagnosıs And Treatment Of The Patıent Wıth,Approach To The Rheumatologıcal Patıent,Siögren Syndrome,Inflammatory Bowel Dıseases -Dıagnosıs And Treatment ,Chronıc Consıtpatıon And Irrıtable Bowel Dısease Clınıcal Approach ,Clınıcal Approach To Solıd Organ Tumors 1-2,Introduction to internal medicine,Delıverıng Bad News,Practice-Hematology Lab (10 hours),Practice-Laboratory Tests For Rheumatologıcal Disorders (10 hours),Practice-Practice on hospitalized patient (26 Hours).
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
Learning objectives in hematology: - Diagnose, treat and follow up on primary level: iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: lymphadenopathy, hypersplenism, acute- and chronic leukemias, plasma cell disorders, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, DIC, ITP, Polycytemia -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up on primary level: hemoglobinopathies, Thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, anemia in chronic diseases, -Tentatively diagnose and refer: myeloprolipherative disorders, Hodgkin lymphoma, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, Hemophilia, Von Willerbrand Disorder16, 3, 4, 9A, D
Learning objectives in medical oncology: -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: infections in the immunocompromised, shock. -Tentatively diagnose and refer: ENT-malignancies, ENT benign tumors, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, tumor in the female genital tract, malignancies of the GI tract, malignancies of the pancreas, liver tumors, palpable- and non-palpable abdominal tumor. kidney tumor, tumor in the lower urinary tract (vesica, urethra), testicular cancer, cancer of the prostate, lung cancer, mediastinal mass, upper respiratory tract tumors, neuropathies, paraneoplastic syndrome, bone methastasis, brain metastasis, breast mass, skin tumors, compression on the spinal cord. 10, 9A, D
Learning objectives in rheumatology: - Diagnose, treat and follow up on primary level: FMF -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: Acute rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, inflammatory myositis, infectious arthritis, gout -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up in primary level: Rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathies, Sjögren syndrome.4
Learning objectives in nephrology: -Diagnose, treat and follow up in primary level: Primary hypertension, Acute pyelonephritis, -Diagnose, manage acute, refer and follow up on primary level: Diabetic nephropathy, acute glomerulonephritis -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: nephrotic syndrome, acute kidney injury, chronic renal failure, hyper- and hypocalcemia, hyper- and hypopotassemia, hyper- and hyponatremia, secondary hypertension, chronic pyelonephritis, amyloidosis -Diagnose and refer: polycystic kidney disease, -Tentatively diagnose and refer: glomerular diseases, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, small vessel vasculitis, plasma cell dyscrasia, acid base disturbances, drug induced tubulointerstitial nephritis10, 4, 9A, D
Learning objectives of endocrinological disorders are as follows: -Diagnose, treat, and follow up on primary level: Diabetes mellitus, obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, hyperlipidemia Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: Acute complications of diabetes, chronic complications of diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, hypoglycemia. - Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up on primary level: Goiter, Hashimotos disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodule, osteoporosis -Tentatively diagnose and refer: primary hyperaldesteronism, hirsuitizm, prolactinoma, hypophiseal disorders, hypogonadism, Cushing syndrome, gynecomastia, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromacytoma4A, D
Learning objectives of gastroenterology are as follows: -Diagnose, treat and follow up in primary level: gastrointestinal infections, gastritis, food poisoning, bacillary dysentery, food allergies, -Diagnose, manage acute, refer and follow up in primary level: fatty liver -Tentatively diagnose, manage acute and refer: liver cirrhosis, malnutrition, ileus, acute abdomen, acute pancreatitis, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, anorectal diseases, diverticulitis, volvulus, cholengitis, peptic ulcer, acute viral hepatitis, GERD, esophagitis, esophageal variceal bleeding, drug intoxications, hepatic coma, alcoholic liver disease, mushroom poisoning -Diagnose and refer: Anal atresia, corrosive damage to the upper GI tract, foreighn body in the GI tract. -Tentatively diagnose, refer and follow up in primary level: ulcerative colitis, Chrons disease, chronic pancreatitis, cholodocholitiasis, celiac disease, chronic hepatitis, Mesotlioma, portal hypertension, Budd-Chiari syndrome, Metabolic liver diseases, Autoimmune liver diseases, pancreatic pseudocysts, GI malignancies, Mesenterial artery diseases, anal prolaps, GI polyps, Lactose intolerance, FMF, Parisitic infections of the GI tract, cystic fibrosis, esophageal motility disorders10, 4, 9A, D
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 3: Problem Baded Learning Model, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Respiratory system examination 1-2-3none
2Head And Neck Examınatıon 1-2none
3Urogenital system examinationnone
4History taking and physical examinationnone
5Abdominal examination 1-2none
6Nervous system examinationnone
7How to fill out a patient chartnone
8Cardiovascular system examination 1-2none
9Extremity examinationnone
10Chronic kidney failurenone
11Dysphagıa,Gastroesophageal Reflux Dısease And Other Esophageal Dısorders -Clınıcal Approach 1-2none
12Peptic ulcernone
13Hypo- and hyperparathyroidismnone
14Disorders of the hypophysisnone
15Dyspepsia and abdominal pain. Differential diagnosisnone
16Laboratory tests for rheumatological diseasesnone
17Thyroiditis and cancer of the thyroid
18Obesıty,Metabolıc Syndrome
19Diabetes mellitusnone
20Rheumatoid arthritis 1-2none
22Hematology, hemogram, hemostasisnone
23Treatment and complications of acute pancreatitisnone
24Polycystic ovarian syndromenone
25Adrenal insufficiencynone
26Acid-/base balance 1-2none
27Hypertension, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical approachnone
28Cushin syndromenone
30Treatment of diabetes mellitusnone
31Behcet diseasenone
32Fluid-/and electrolyte disturbancesnone
33Tetani and hypoparathyroidismnone
34Hematological emergenciesnone
35Bone marrow insufficiency (aplastic anemia, MDS, PNH)none
36Plasma cell disordersnone
37Vitamin D insufficiencynone
38Cancer screening and tumor markersnone
39Treatment of acute complications in diabetes mellitus

40Treatment of chronic complications of diabetes mellitusnone
41Onchological emergenciesnone
42Myeloproliferative disordersnone
43Follow up and treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitisnone
45Glomerular disordersnone
46Diagnosis and treatment of the patient with non-alcoholic fatty liver
47Secondary hypertension none
49Leukemias 1-2none
50Approach to the patient with potassium disturbancesnone
51Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases
52Spondyloarthropathies 1-2none
53Approach to the patient with gastrointestinal bleedingnone
54Diabetes insipidusnone
55Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretionnone
56Sjögren syndromenone
57Differential diagnosis in liver tumorsnone
58Bleeding, coagulation and trombolytic disordersnone
59Anemias 1-2-3-none
61Clinical approach to solid organ tumors 1-2none
62Polycystic kidney disease and hereditary nephropathiesnone
63Hematuria, proteinuria and glomerular diseasesnone
64Systemıc Lupus Enythematosıs -Antıphospholıpıd Syndrome-1-2none
65Acute kidney injurynone
66Chronic diarhoea and malabsorption syndromesnone
67Chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndromenone
68Transfusion policies and blood and blood productsnone
69Familial mediterranian fevernone
70Polymıosıtıs none
71Gout-1-2 none
72Jaundıce And Lıver Test Abnormatıesnone
73Follow Up And Treatment Of Patıents Wıth Chronıc Vıral Diseasesnone
74The Cırrhotıc Patıent ,Follow Up And Complıcatıons none
75Clınıcal Approach To The Patıent Wıth Gatroıntestınal Bleedıngnone
76Non-Alcoholıc Fatty Lıver Dıseasesnone
77NAFLD,Approach To Dıagnosıs And Treatment Of The Patıent Wıthnone
78Approach To The Rheumatologıcal Patıentnone
79Siögren Syndromenone
80Inflammatory Bowel Dıseases -Dıagnosıs And Treatment none
81Chronıc Consıtpatıon And Irrıtable Bowel Dısease Clınıcal Approach none
82Clınıcal Approach To Solıd Organ Tumors 1-2none
83Introduction to internal medicinenone
84Delıverıng Bad Newsnone
85Practice-Hematology Lab (10 hours)none
86Practice-Laboratory Tests For Rheumatologıcal Disorders (10 hours)none
87Practice-Practice on hospitalized patient (26 Hours)none
Harrisons Internal Medicine, lecture notes (power point slides)

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Ekleme Tarihi: 30/11/2022 - 13:37Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 14/04/2023 - 09:05