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Vocational School of Justice

Vocational School of Justice

Istanbul Medipol University Vocational School of Justice has been established for providing qualified intermediate staff to assist the conduct of judicial services.

There is a four half-year period of study. In Vocational School of Justice, students are given theorotical and practical knowledge with regard to qualificiations required by the justice service. College graduates with sufficient knowledge of the law will have opportunity to work in public organizations, law firms and private organizations that provide legal services.

With its strong academic staff, Vocational School of Justice will start education in Kavacık campus, and students there will benefit from all the social, cultural and sporting facilities.

Dear students,

One of the most important public services is public services of justice. Beside judges and prosecutors, also intermediate staffs serve in various statues in judicial organs which are charged with  solution of emerging legal disputes between both individuals and government bodies and individuals.  So function of vocational school of justice isto ensure the public officals tohave required qualifications who oparete justice services. Fund of knowledge and sense of mission of justice service officials are essential for serving the justice effectively and efficiently  In this regard this school’s curriculum is parallel to curriculum of school of law.

Students graduating this program can be hired in principle registry of courts, prosecution offices and execution offices. Besides, through increasing interest to law school, vocational school of justice is chosen more and more by candidate students and becomes important as a program providing  opportunity of vertical transfer to law school.

I want to congratulate all students joining us this year.

My best regards 
Assist. Prof. Dr. Harun Demirbaş
Deputy Director of Vocational School of Justice


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Kavacık North Campus

Adres:Kavacık Mah. Ekinciler Cad. No.19 Kavacık Kavşağı, 34810 Beykoz / İstanbul
Telefon:0216 681 51 00
Faks:Rektörlük 0212 531 75 55
Muhasebe 0212 521 28 52
Fakülteler 0212 521 23 77
Ekleme Tarihi: 05/08/2022 - 09:34Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 20/02/2023 - 10:16