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Track 3 Classroom lists are provided in the link below:



2021-2022 Academic year preparatory program lessons will ve held in four shifts. Lessons will be hybrid from Monday to Thursday (four hours each day) on Kavacık North Campus A Block , and online on Friday and Saturday (4-6 hours based on the levels) on Microsoft Teams platform. Students can join hybrid lessons (Monday to Friday)either on campus (face to face) or join Teams and follow these lessons online. No recordings will be taken for hybrid lessons.

1st SHIFT SS, EFT, EDU & TH Units (08:00-10:55)


EFT (Business Management, Economy and Finance, International Trade and Finance, International Logistics, Management and Information Systems) , SS (Psychology, Political Sciences and International Relations, Public Relations and Advertising), EDU (LAnguage and Speech Therapy, Psychological Counselling and Guidance, English Language Teaching) and TH (Applied English and Translation, Health Management) unit students will have hybrid classes between 08:00-10:55

2nd SHIFT MED & APT Units (11:15-14:10)


MED (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical theraphy and Rehabilitation-degree) and APT (Nursing, Anesthesia, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation , First Aid) units will have hybrid classes between 11:15-14:10

3rd SHIFT ENA & LAW units (14:30-17:25)


ENA (Engineering and Architecture) and LAW (Law and Public Administration) unit students will have hybrid classes between  14:30-17:25 .

4th SHIFT: Applied English and Translation EVENING group will have face to face classes between 18:00-21:00.

ONLINE CLASSES on FRIDAY & SATURDAY will be held between 09:00-14:00 for all groups. Students will have been automatically added to Microsoft Teams classes for online lessons by 24th Feb. Thursday.

ESP lessons will be async and online. ESP lesson Teams links and instructions will be announced on 24th Feb Thursday on language school website.

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 10/08/2022 - 10:24