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Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeCommittee Course
Course Coordinator
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Fethi KILIÇASLAN, Prof.Dr. Hacı Murat GÜNEŞ, Prof.Dr. Ekrem GÜLER, Assist.Prof. Fatih Erkam OLGUN, Prof.Dr. Mesut YILMAZ, Assoc.Prof. Beytullah ÇAKAL, Assist.Prof. Erhan GÖNEN, Assoc.Prof. Esra DEMİR, Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Oğuz KARACA, Assist.Prof. Hasan Can KÖNTE
AimTo gain knowledge of respiratory and circulatory system diseases with physiopathology, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment directions.
Course ContentThis course contains; 1 Introduction to hypertension
2 Basic Electrocardiography knowledge
3 History taking and physical examination in cardiovascular system disorders-1-2
4 Introductıon to coronary artery disease
5 Pathophysiology, classification and diagnosis of heart failure
6 Introduction to heart rhythm disorders
7 Introduction to heart valve diseases
8 Introcudtion to aortic diseases
9 TBL-Respiratory System Pathology
10 TBL-Cardiovascular System Pathology
11 Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis
12 Pericardial and valvular heart diseases
13 Pathology of ischemic heart diseases
14 Hypertensive vascular diseases and atherosclerosis
15 Pathology of pleural diseases
16 Medical Pharmacology-Treatment of hypertension 1-2-3-4
17 Pathology of nonspectif infections of lung
18 Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis
19 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease
20 Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents 1-2
21 Pathology of lung tumors
22 Medical Pharmacology-COPD and cough medications 1-2
23 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases I
24 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases II
25 Congenital heart diseases
26 Heart failure
27 Fetal circulation
28 ECG evaluation in childhood
29 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in respiratory system diseases
30 Scientific Research-Cohort Studies
31 Introduction to sepsis 1-2
32 Introduction to Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
33 Systemic infections(Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Malaria)-1-2
34 Infective endocarditis : Pathogenesis, diagnosis 1-2-3
35 Epidemiology of Noncommunicable Diseases
36 Air Pollution and Effects on Health
37 Airborne Diseases
38 Climate Change and Effects on Health
39 Microbiology of Respiratory and circulatory system infections 1-2
40 Radiology of cardiovascular system 1-2
41 Radiology of respitatory system 1-2
42 Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear medicine use in cardiovascular diseases
43 Symptoms and signs in pulmonary diseases
44 Physical examination in pulmonary diseases
45 Testing of blood gases
46 Pulmonary diseases and smoking
47 Lung cancer
48 Pneumonia
49 Chronic obstructive pulmary disease (COPD)
50 Pulmonary embolism
51 Bronchiectasis
52 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary diseases
53 Respiratory function tests
54 Asthma
55 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
56 Pulmonery Emergencigies
57 TBL-Respiratory Disease
58 Acute Rheumatic Fever
59 Syncope and hypotension
60 Basic diagnostic work-up and therapeutic tools in cardiovascular system disorders
61 Blood pressure measurement
62 Obtaining and evaluating an ECG (Interactive group study)
63 Diseases of veins /lymphatics and vascular tumors
64 Pathology of pulmonary vascular diseases
65 Pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
66 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease - pneumoconiosis
67 Drugs used in arrythmia 1-2
68 Drugs used in ischemic heart disease 1-2
69 Drugs used in heart failure 1-2.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
At the end of this class the students: 1- Know the prevalence and global burden of heart diseases and how to establish primary prevention for certain heart diseases. 2- Make differential diagnosis based on cardinal symptoms of heart diseases (chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, fainting) by taking history, performing physical examination and using basic methods such as ECG and chest radiograph. 3- Know the common predisposing factors for atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. 4- Summarize medical treatment of stable ischemic heart disease, follow-up of disease process and determine the timing of revascularization requirement. 5- Propose preliminary diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease with physical examination and decide when the urgent treatment and referral to a specialist is required. 6- Administer initial treatment to patients with acute coronary syndrome (STEMI or NSTEMI) after evaluating basic physical findings ,namely vital signs, and baseline ECG. Know the clinical settings in which patients need to undergo cardiac catheterization for immediate revascularization. 7- Know the criteria for normal ECG. Recognize the ischemic ECG changes. Become familiar with certain tachycardia and bradycardia. 8- Explain the main findings of cardiovascular system disorders on chest radiography (assessment of midline structures and pulmonary congestion signs) 9- Define basic cardiovascular anatomy for cardiovascular surgery 10- Know the indications for correction of valvular heart diseases and common congenital heart diseases, and coronary artery by-pass grafting as well. 11- Have a knowledge about preoperative evaluation of cardiac surgery and surgical techniques. Explain common adverse events in the early post-operative period. 12- Know the symptoms and signs of heart failure. Make the diagnosis and classification of acute heart failure and execute the initial treatment. 13- Diagnose cardiogenic shock. 14- Know the appropriate treatment and follow-up strategies of chronic heart failure. Define the possible causes of decompensation in chronic heart failure 15- Know the findings of valvular heart diseases on physical examination. Summarize the most common causes of valve diseases. Distinguish the situations that require an echocardiographic assessment. 16- Define the diagnostic criteria of acute rheumatic fever. Know the basic treatment strategies and secondary prophylaxis. 17- Define the diagnostic criteria of infective endocarditis. Distinguish the clinical situations to suspect from infective endocarditis and to recommend prophylaxis. 18- Are familiar with prosthetic heart valves, cardiac transplantation, ventricular assist devices and percutaneous treatment options in structural heart diseases. 19- Know the classification and diagnostic criteria of hypertension. Summarize the life-style changes and distinguish the situations to start medical therapy along with recommendations for life-style changes. Have the ability to perform a clinical follow-up of a patient with hypertension. 20- Know the clinical situations that rise a suspicion of secondary hypertension. 21- Know the evidence-based therapeutic agents used in hypertension management. Decide the appropriate anti-hypertensive drug in line with the multiple-benefit principle. 22- Recognize the hypertensive emergencies. Define the basic diagnostic tests and treatment options. 23- Have the ability to suspect from aortic dissection and determine urgency. 24- Know the clinical situations that require further tests for diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Distinguish the high risk patient with pulmonary embolism. Knowb the indications for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. 25- Concern pulmonary hypertension as a differential diagnosis. Know the most common diseases which are related to pulmonary hypertension.. 26- Become familiar with initial diagnosis of tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias. Determines the clinical situations that require emergent cardioversion or defibrillation and implantation of a temporary pace-maker. 27- Recognize atrial fibrillation patients with high risk of cardioembolic stroke. Are familiar with the necessity and alternatives of anticoagulation. 28- Summarize the possible cardiovascular causes of syncope. Become familiar with determination of sudden cardiac death risk relying upon history (searching for family history of sudden death or diseases related to sudden cardiac death), physical examination and specific ECG findings. 29- Know the classification of cardiomyopathies. Distinguish the cardiomyopathies with a high risk of sudden cardiac death. Explain the indications for family screening. 30- Establish initial diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis depending on history, physical examination and basic laboratory markers. Recognize cardiac tamponade and know the indications for emergency needle pericardiosynthesis.13, 16, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9A, D
Teaching Methods:13: Case Study Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 5: Cooperative Learning, 6: Experiential Learning, 8: Flipped Classroom Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
11 Introduction to hypertension
2 Basic Electrocardiography knowledge
3 History taking and physical examination in cardiovascular system disorders-1-2
4 Introductıon to coronary artery disease
5 Pathophysiology, classification and diagnosis of heart failure
6 Introduction to heart rhythm disorders
7 Introduction to heart valve diseases
8 Introcudtion to aortic diseases
9 TBL-Respiratory System Pathology
10 TBL-Cardiovascular System Pathology
11 Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis
12 Pericardial and valvular heart diseases
13 Pathology of ischemic heart diseases
14 Hypertensive vascular diseases and atherosclerosis
15 Pathology of pleural diseases
16 Medical Pharmacology-Treatment of hypertension 1-2-3-4
17 Pathology of nonspectif infections of lung
18 Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis
19 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease
20 Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents 1-2
21 Pathology of lung tumors
22 Medical Pharmacology-COPD and cough medications 1-2
23 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases I
24 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases II
25 Congenital heart diseases
26 Heart failure
27 Fetal circulation
28 ECG evaluation in childhood
29 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in respiratory system diseases
30 Scientific Research-Cohort Studies
31 Introduction to sepsis 1-2
32 Introduction to Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
33 Systemic infections(Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Malaria)-1-2
34 Infective endocarditis : Pathogenesis, diagnosis 1-2-3
35 Epidemiology of Noncommunicable Diseases
36 Air Pollution and Effects on Health
37 Airborne Diseases
38 Climate Change and Effects on Health
39 Microbiology of Respiratory and circulatory system infections 1-2
40 Radiology of cardiovascular system 1-2
41 Radiology of respitatory system 1-2
42 Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear medicine use in cardiovascular diseases
43 Symptoms and signs in pulmonary diseases
44 Physical examination in pulmonary diseases
45 Testing of blood gases
46 Pulmonary diseases and smoking
47 Lung cancer
48 Pneumonia
49 Chronic obstructive pulmary disease (COPD)
50 Pulmonary embolism
51 Bronchiectasis
52 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary diseases
53 Respiratory function tests
54 Asthma
55 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
56 Pulmonery Emergencigies
57 TBL-Respiratory Disease
58 Acute Rheumatic Fever
59 Syncope and hypotension
60 Basic diagnostic work-up and therapeutic tools in cardiovascular system disorders
61 Blood pressure measurement
62 Obtaining and evaluating an ECG (Interactive group study)
63 Diseases of veins /lymphatics and vascular tumors
64 Pathology of pulmonary vascular diseases
65 Pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
66 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease - pneumoconiosis
67 Drugs used in arrythmia 1-2
68 Drugs used in ischemic heart disease 1-2
69 Drugs used in heart failure 1-2
Instructor's lecture notes.
1. Kayaalp, SO: Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji, Ankara. 2. Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Eds.: Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York. 3. Katzung & Trevor: Farmakoloji, Ankara. 4. A. Yüksel Barut: Radyolojide Doğrudan Tanı, Rota Tıp Yayınevi. 5. Tevfik Özlü: Göğüs Hastalıkları El Kitabı, Rota Tıp Yayınevi. 6. M. Sadık Demirsoy: Çocuk Hastalıklarında Öykü Alma ve Fizik Muayene (PROPEDÖTİK), Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. 7. Işık BAŞAR, Lale KOLDAŞ, Faruk AYAN: Kardiyolojik Semiyoloji EKG, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours21530
Guided Problem Solving000
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report166
Term Project000
Presentation of Project / Seminar144
Midterm Exam000
General Exam144
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)48
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(48/30)2
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseEnglish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeCommittee Course
Course Coordinator
Name of Lecturer(s)Prof.Dr. Fethi KILIÇASLAN, Prof.Dr. Hacı Murat GÜNEŞ, Prof.Dr. Ekrem GÜLER, Assist.Prof. Fatih Erkam OLGUN, Prof.Dr. Mesut YILMAZ, Assoc.Prof. Beytullah ÇAKAL, Assist.Prof. Erhan GÖNEN, Assoc.Prof. Esra DEMİR, Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Oğuz KARACA, Assist.Prof. Hasan Can KÖNTE
AimTo gain knowledge of respiratory and circulatory system diseases with physiopathology, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment directions.
Course ContentThis course contains; 1 Introduction to hypertension
2 Basic Electrocardiography knowledge
3 History taking and physical examination in cardiovascular system disorders-1-2
4 Introductıon to coronary artery disease
5 Pathophysiology, classification and diagnosis of heart failure
6 Introduction to heart rhythm disorders
7 Introduction to heart valve diseases
8 Introcudtion to aortic diseases
9 TBL-Respiratory System Pathology
10 TBL-Cardiovascular System Pathology
11 Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis
12 Pericardial and valvular heart diseases
13 Pathology of ischemic heart diseases
14 Hypertensive vascular diseases and atherosclerosis
15 Pathology of pleural diseases
16 Medical Pharmacology-Treatment of hypertension 1-2-3-4
17 Pathology of nonspectif infections of lung
18 Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis
19 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease
20 Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents 1-2
21 Pathology of lung tumors
22 Medical Pharmacology-COPD and cough medications 1-2
23 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases I
24 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases II
25 Congenital heart diseases
26 Heart failure
27 Fetal circulation
28 ECG evaluation in childhood
29 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in respiratory system diseases
30 Scientific Research-Cohort Studies
31 Introduction to sepsis 1-2
32 Introduction to Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
33 Systemic infections(Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Malaria)-1-2
34 Infective endocarditis : Pathogenesis, diagnosis 1-2-3
35 Epidemiology of Noncommunicable Diseases
36 Air Pollution and Effects on Health
37 Airborne Diseases
38 Climate Change and Effects on Health
39 Microbiology of Respiratory and circulatory system infections 1-2
40 Radiology of cardiovascular system 1-2
41 Radiology of respitatory system 1-2
42 Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear medicine use in cardiovascular diseases
43 Symptoms and signs in pulmonary diseases
44 Physical examination in pulmonary diseases
45 Testing of blood gases
46 Pulmonary diseases and smoking
47 Lung cancer
48 Pneumonia
49 Chronic obstructive pulmary disease (COPD)
50 Pulmonary embolism
51 Bronchiectasis
52 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary diseases
53 Respiratory function tests
54 Asthma
55 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
56 Pulmonery Emergencigies
57 TBL-Respiratory Disease
58 Acute Rheumatic Fever
59 Syncope and hypotension
60 Basic diagnostic work-up and therapeutic tools in cardiovascular system disorders
61 Blood pressure measurement
62 Obtaining and evaluating an ECG (Interactive group study)
63 Diseases of veins /lymphatics and vascular tumors
64 Pathology of pulmonary vascular diseases
65 Pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
66 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease - pneumoconiosis
67 Drugs used in arrythmia 1-2
68 Drugs used in ischemic heart disease 1-2
69 Drugs used in heart failure 1-2.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
At the end of this class the students: 1- Know the prevalence and global burden of heart diseases and how to establish primary prevention for certain heart diseases. 2- Make differential diagnosis based on cardinal symptoms of heart diseases (chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, fainting) by taking history, performing physical examination and using basic methods such as ECG and chest radiograph. 3- Know the common predisposing factors for atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. 4- Summarize medical treatment of stable ischemic heart disease, follow-up of disease process and determine the timing of revascularization requirement. 5- Propose preliminary diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease with physical examination and decide when the urgent treatment and referral to a specialist is required. 6- Administer initial treatment to patients with acute coronary syndrome (STEMI or NSTEMI) after evaluating basic physical findings ,namely vital signs, and baseline ECG. Know the clinical settings in which patients need to undergo cardiac catheterization for immediate revascularization. 7- Know the criteria for normal ECG. Recognize the ischemic ECG changes. Become familiar with certain tachycardia and bradycardia. 8- Explain the main findings of cardiovascular system disorders on chest radiography (assessment of midline structures and pulmonary congestion signs) 9- Define basic cardiovascular anatomy for cardiovascular surgery 10- Know the indications for correction of valvular heart diseases and common congenital heart diseases, and coronary artery by-pass grafting as well. 11- Have a knowledge about preoperative evaluation of cardiac surgery and surgical techniques. Explain common adverse events in the early post-operative period. 12- Know the symptoms and signs of heart failure. Make the diagnosis and classification of acute heart failure and execute the initial treatment. 13- Diagnose cardiogenic shock. 14- Know the appropriate treatment and follow-up strategies of chronic heart failure. Define the possible causes of decompensation in chronic heart failure 15- Know the findings of valvular heart diseases on physical examination. Summarize the most common causes of valve diseases. Distinguish the situations that require an echocardiographic assessment. 16- Define the diagnostic criteria of acute rheumatic fever. Know the basic treatment strategies and secondary prophylaxis. 17- Define the diagnostic criteria of infective endocarditis. Distinguish the clinical situations to suspect from infective endocarditis and to recommend prophylaxis. 18- Are familiar with prosthetic heart valves, cardiac transplantation, ventricular assist devices and percutaneous treatment options in structural heart diseases. 19- Know the classification and diagnostic criteria of hypertension. Summarize the life-style changes and distinguish the situations to start medical therapy along with recommendations for life-style changes. Have the ability to perform a clinical follow-up of a patient with hypertension. 20- Know the clinical situations that rise a suspicion of secondary hypertension. 21- Know the evidence-based therapeutic agents used in hypertension management. Decide the appropriate anti-hypertensive drug in line with the multiple-benefit principle. 22- Recognize the hypertensive emergencies. Define the basic diagnostic tests and treatment options. 23- Have the ability to suspect from aortic dissection and determine urgency. 24- Know the clinical situations that require further tests for diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Distinguish the high risk patient with pulmonary embolism. Knowb the indications for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. 25- Concern pulmonary hypertension as a differential diagnosis. Know the most common diseases which are related to pulmonary hypertension.. 26- Become familiar with initial diagnosis of tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias. Determines the clinical situations that require emergent cardioversion or defibrillation and implantation of a temporary pace-maker. 27- Recognize atrial fibrillation patients with high risk of cardioembolic stroke. Are familiar with the necessity and alternatives of anticoagulation. 28- Summarize the possible cardiovascular causes of syncope. Become familiar with determination of sudden cardiac death risk relying upon history (searching for family history of sudden death or diseases related to sudden cardiac death), physical examination and specific ECG findings. 29- Know the classification of cardiomyopathies. Distinguish the cardiomyopathies with a high risk of sudden cardiac death. Explain the indications for family screening. 30- Establish initial diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis depending on history, physical examination and basic laboratory markers. Recognize cardiac tamponade and know the indications for emergency needle pericardiosynthesis.13, 16, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9A, D
Teaching Methods:13: Case Study Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 4: Inquiry-Based Learning, 5: Cooperative Learning, 6: Experiential Learning, 8: Flipped Classroom Learning, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, D: Oral Exam

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
11 Introduction to hypertension
2 Basic Electrocardiography knowledge
3 History taking and physical examination in cardiovascular system disorders-1-2
4 Introductıon to coronary artery disease
5 Pathophysiology, classification and diagnosis of heart failure
6 Introduction to heart rhythm disorders
7 Introduction to heart valve diseases
8 Introcudtion to aortic diseases
9 TBL-Respiratory System Pathology
10 TBL-Cardiovascular System Pathology
11 Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis
12 Pericardial and valvular heart diseases
13 Pathology of ischemic heart diseases
14 Hypertensive vascular diseases and atherosclerosis
15 Pathology of pleural diseases
16 Medical Pharmacology-Treatment of hypertension 1-2-3-4
17 Pathology of nonspectif infections of lung
18 Pathology of pulmonary tuberculosis
19 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease
20 Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents 1-2
21 Pathology of lung tumors
22 Medical Pharmacology-COPD and cough medications 1-2
23 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases I
24 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in cardiovascular diseases II
25 Congenital heart diseases
26 Heart failure
27 Fetal circulation
28 ECG evaluation in childhood
29 History, physical examination and diagnostic methods in respiratory system diseases
30 Scientific Research-Cohort Studies
31 Introduction to sepsis 1-2
32 Introduction to Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
33 Systemic infections(Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Malaria)-1-2
34 Infective endocarditis : Pathogenesis, diagnosis 1-2-3
35 Epidemiology of Noncommunicable Diseases
36 Air Pollution and Effects on Health
37 Airborne Diseases
38 Climate Change and Effects on Health
39 Microbiology of Respiratory and circulatory system infections 1-2
40 Radiology of cardiovascular system 1-2
41 Radiology of respitatory system 1-2
42 Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear medicine use in cardiovascular diseases
43 Symptoms and signs in pulmonary diseases
44 Physical examination in pulmonary diseases
45 Testing of blood gases
46 Pulmonary diseases and smoking
47 Lung cancer
48 Pneumonia
49 Chronic obstructive pulmary disease (COPD)
50 Pulmonary embolism
51 Bronchiectasis
52 Diffuse interstitial pulmonary diseases
53 Respiratory function tests
54 Asthma
55 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
56 Pulmonery Emergencigies
57 TBL-Respiratory Disease
58 Acute Rheumatic Fever
59 Syncope and hypotension
60 Basic diagnostic work-up and therapeutic tools in cardiovascular system disorders
61 Blood pressure measurement
62 Obtaining and evaluating an ECG (Interactive group study)
63 Diseases of veins /lymphatics and vascular tumors
64 Pathology of pulmonary vascular diseases
65 Pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
66 Pathology of diffuse interstitial lung disease - pneumoconiosis
67 Drugs used in arrythmia 1-2
68 Drugs used in ischemic heart disease 1-2
69 Drugs used in heart failure 1-2
Instructor's lecture notes.
1. Kayaalp, SO: Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji, Ankara. 2. Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Eds.: Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York. 3. Katzung & Trevor: Farmakoloji, Ankara. 4. A. Yüksel Barut: Radyolojide Doğrudan Tanı, Rota Tıp Yayınevi. 5. Tevfik Özlü: Göğüs Hastalıkları El Kitabı, Rota Tıp Yayınevi. 6. M. Sadık Demirsoy: Çocuk Hastalıklarında Öykü Alma ve Fizik Muayene (PROPEDÖTİK), Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. 7. Işık BAŞAR, Lale KOLDAŞ, Faruk AYAN: Kardiyolojik Semiyoloji EKG, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ1: Knows the morphological and functional normal and abnormal structure of human body.
PQ2: Knows the essential ways of determining the underlying causes of the pathologies with basic scientific approaches and the diagnoses of illnesses and disorders.
PQ3: Knows the reasons for illnesses, the ways of protection, and the methods of promotion and improvement of public health.
PQ4: Knows the methods of advancing his/her knowledge about health and its practice.
PQ5: Accesses, interprets and applies the advanced interdisciplinary information related to health.
PQ6: Performs a complete clinical examination of the human body, both morphologically and functionally and defines the problems.
PQ7: Interprets examination data for diagnoses, compares with clinical data, and provides solutions.
PQ8: Selects and applies appropriate tools for promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ9: Plans and conducts an advanced study of health independently.
PQ10: Takes responsibility individually and as a team member to solve the problems encountered in the promotion and improvement of individual and public health.
PQ11: Takes responsibility for any intervention on the human body for the diagnosis and treatment.
PQ12: Determines personal learning requirements and decides and develops a positive lifelong learning attitude.
PQ13: Evaluates the information gained in the field of health with a critical approach.
PQ14: Informs the patient, the relevant people and institutions, and the public about the health problem and conveys recommendations of solutions in writing and/or verbally.
PQ15: Shares their recommendations on promotion and improvement of health with interdisciplinary experts by supporting with data.
PQ16: Uses English at least at the General Level of European Language Portfolio B1, follows resources in his/her field and communicates.
PQ17: Uses computer software, information, and communication technologies at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Operating License.
PQ18: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of obtaining, interpreting, applying and announcing the data related to the field of health.
PQ19: Develops strategy, policy and implementation plans on health issues and evaluate the results obtained the framework of quality processes.
PQ20: Systematically shares his/her works on promoting and improving health with quantitative and qualitative data and interdisciplinary experts.
PQ21: Has sufficient awareness on occupational health and safety issues.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Ekleme Tarihi: 30/11/2022 - 13:37Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 14/04/2023 - 09:05