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Istanbul Medipol University and Karabük University sign cooperation agreement


Between Istanbul Medipol University and Karabük University, three different cooperation protocols were signed.


Protocols for “Academic Cooperation, Social Sciences Festival (Sosyalfest) Institutional Stakeholder Cooperation, and Health Sciences Festival (Sağlıkfest) Institutional Stakeholder Cooperation” were signed between Istanbul Medipol University and Karabük University. According to the protocol signed by our President Prof. Ömer Ceran and Karabük University President Prof. Fatih Kırışık, joint studies will be carried out within the scope of associate degree, undergraduate as well as graduate education, scientific and technological research-development projects, Türkiye’s first National and International Social Sciences Festival (Sosyalfest), and the National Health Sciences Festival (Sağlıkfest) to be organized with the participation of many stakeholders in Türkiye. At the signing ceremony held in the President’s Office, Ceran stated that they are very happy to be among the stakeholders of Sosyalfest and Sağlıkfest and wished that the signed protocols would be beneficial for both universities. Karabük University President Prof. Fatih Kırışık thanked President Ceran for his support.

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 20/08/2024 - 09:42