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Environment Day message from President Ceran


Our President Prof. Ömer Ceran drew attention to food waste in his message published on June 5, World Environment Day and said, “Living in a clean world and leaving a clean environment to future generations should be the fundamental duty of individuals as well as states.”


Istanbul Medipol University President Prof. Ömer Ceran published a written message on June 5, World Environment Day. President Ceran drew attention to food waste in his message and said, “Our university adopts a sensitive approach to nature and the environment and implements sustainable zero waste management in every field.”

President Ceran’s message is as follows:

Dear Medipol Family,

Our world is facing major environmental disasters, such as global warming, desertification, and the decline of biodiversity. A more prosperous and greener world can only be possible by addressing global environmental challenges. Living in a clean world and leaving a clean environment to future generations should be the fundamental duty of individuals as well as governments. Environmental problems are a common issue for all humanity. International cooperation is required for their solution. This collaboration should not only address environmental pollution and resource consumption, but also important areas such as reducing food waste. By reducing food waste, we can both minimize environmental impacts and contribute to addressing hunger and malnutrition around the world.

One of the biggest environmental threats we face today is undoubtedly the problem of waste. The management of organic wastes has an important place among these problems. Organic wastes are wastes that can be broken down by biological processes and can be recycled back into nature. Unfortunately, we are also wasting our organic waste resources through food consumption.

Although there is enough food production worldwide, food waste is increasing day by day. Food waste is not limited to throwing away food, but also results from production, packaging, transportation, storage, food preparation and consumption. With a conscious consumption approach, we can review our eating habits and prevent unnecessary waste. For instance, we can put only as much food on our plate as we need.

On behalf of Istanbul Medipol University, the Environment and Energy Management Office is taking steps to raise awareness and find solutions to this important issue. With this in mind, after-dinner waste can be recycled as organic waste. Our university adopts a sensitive approach to nature and the environment and implements sustainable zero waste management in all areas.

First, we should try to prevent food waste by planning our menus in a balanced way. For this, we should take the necessary steps together and support the recycling of organic waste by disposing of it in special organic waste bins.

Collected organic wastes are of great importance for our university as compost. By establishing our compost unit at our university, we continue to evaluate organic wastes in order to contribute to the fertility of the soil without harming nature.

In addition to the organic waste currently collected from the floor kitchens and dining halls, we aim for our students and staff to take responsibility in this regard. With the project initiated by the Environment and Energy Management Office, special organic waste bins have been placed in our dining halls for the collection of organic waste.

I invite you to be sensitive to the environment, fight against food waste, and support the management of organic waste by acting with a sense of social responsibility.

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 02/07/2024 - 14:56