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President Ceran: Blue Flag crowned the success


Istanbul Medipol University President Prof. Ömer Ceran hosted the academic and administrative staff who contributed to the “Blue Flag” in his office.


Istanbul Medipol University Vocational School of Health Services was awarded with the Blue Flag in the “Socio-Cultural Activities Category” within the scope of the “Barrier-Free University Awards” for 2024. Prof. Ömer Ceran, President of Istanbul Medipol University, hosted Prof. İlknur Keskin, Director of Vocational School of Health Services, Dr. Neziha Hacıhasanoğlu Çakmak, Faculty Member of Vocational School of Health Services, Lecturer Selda Selimoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Devrim Tarakçı, Manager of the Office of Students with Disability, Edanur Hıra, Staff of the Office of Students with Disability, and Funda Ayvaz Karabağlı, Head of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports in his office. President Ceran congratulated those who contributed to the success as he was receiving the Blue Flag award certificate presented to him. Prof. Ceran expressed his satisfaction that Istanbul Medipol University makes a difference with sociocultural activities for disabled people and stated that the work for our students with disabilities has been crowned with the award.

Blue Flag for Medipol from CoHE

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 03/09/2024 - 11:25