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Social Contribution Commission-funded project on genetic diseases completed


The project titled “Carrier Research for Severe Genetic Diseases in Turkish Society” conducted by Istanbul Medipol University Genetic Diseases Assessment Center was successfully completed. The project aimed to raise awareness among participants about carriers, provide information about approaches to reproduction, and enable them to make informed decisions.


The project titled “Carrier Research for Severe Genetic Diseases in Turkish Society”, conducted by Istanbul Medipol University Genetic Diseases Assessment Center and funded by the Social Contribution Commission, was successfully concluded. Assoc. Prof. Akif Ayaz, Assoc. Prof. Muhsin Elmas, and Ahmet Kök contributed to the project led by Aslı Güner Öztürk Demir. Within the scope of the project, it was aimed to raise awareness among the Turkish society about carriers, to provide information about approaches to reproduction, and to enable the society to make informed decisions. For these purposes, it was emphasized at the conference held at Medipol MEGA University Hospital that screening genetic mutations in individuals who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy is an important step in preventing genetic diseases in future generations.

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 09/09/2024 - 14:50